Seven Lessons from the Ashram
I just came back from a week’s stay at the Sivananda Ashram where I go often to retreat. It’s a special place where the same daily ritual of yogic lifestyle has been active for over 50 years. It includes eight hours of meditation every day, chanting, breathwork and yoga. It’s one of those places where I seldom get what I want, but always get what I need. This time, apparently, I needed to detox my system, and reset my body. It was not fun. I was sick multiple times, sleep was troubled, and emotions were challenging. But I left with my body so loose and awake, my heart open, and my mind surrendered. I’m grateful.
I wanted to share a few lessons from this trip. Just so you have the visual -- I was staying in a tent and spent most of the time sitting on a cushion or a yoga mat on the ground. There were about 250 people at the peak time in the Ashram.
Pay attention to the boundaries. The interface between us and others reveals so much about the tendencies of our mind and heart. Do you tend to be easily annoyed and critical of others? Do you tend to be interrupted often or are you the interrupter? Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others, elevating some and looking down on others? Just pay attention. Nothing to do but observe without judgement. Spend time with it and let it evolve. Observe and in the observation, liberation can follow.
Balance self-compassion with compassion to others. So if you don’t like someone, do you walk away or are you kind to them? Which one is the right thing to do? Is it not your responsibility to tend to yourself and your needs and preferences? Why are someone else’s needs and preferences more important than yours? I have realized -- just balance the two. Treat yourself well, but give as much as you can and do one’s best to equalize self and other.
Share the imperfection. This whole human experience is full of imperfections. Sickness, sleeplessness, exhaustion, insecurity, etc. Just share it. No need to pretend that we are perfect or having a great time. The richness is in the sharing of the imperfection without complaining or wishing it to be any different. Just share it.
Offer your company, don’t impose it. Just a little gentleness in the approach to other people goes a long way. Perhaps open with a simple question such as, “Are you open to connecting right now, or just enjoying some alone time"? I found myself wishing this a few times, where someone would just enter my sphere when I would have clearly preferred to be alone, and I’m sure I imposed a few times myself. You’ll know - just approach with care.
Offer your company, don’t underestimate it. On the flip side, your presence is so precious and a gift to others. When you’re drawn to someone or to some group, just go for it. Don’t hesitate. “Are you interested in going for a walk later this evening?” “I’d love to find some time to keep talking. When would work for you?”
Go to your tent. Know when it’s time to just retreat. Be cautious of FOMO. Our state of awareness is by far the most important determinant of quality to self and others. Sometimes we just need to retreat to re-establish center and unwind. Know and heed that time of rest.
Being in community is better than being alone. This evening, as I’m back at home base in Jacksonville, and having enjoyed the luxuries of my bed, my own bathroom, and my leather couch, I am reminded that as complex as other people are, living in community is beauty-full. The connections, the sharing, the learnings about self and others - all so invaluable. Lean into human connection even when it is uncomfortable.
In the fund, one of our themes is investing in companies that help to build community and shared experiences, and we continue to look for such businesses. It is also our intention to build community amongst our CEOs, our investors, and our broader community like yourself. Thank you for reading, for being a part of this community and for letting me know your thoughts.
We welcome new investors to the fund. If you have interest, please reach out directly by replying to this email address or you can send an email to
Choose Your Horizons continues to grow and make a broader impact. The data we are collecting on the positive impact this is having on people has been very encouraging. The company chose to open this round of funding to a broader audience. If you are interested in an investment, we would welcome your participation. Here is the link:
If you have an interest in joining a meditation series that I’ll be leading on Zoom in January, please let me know.
Lastly, I recently had the pleasure to be a guest on a podcast where I talk about the intersection of spirituality and entrepreneurship, and how businesses have the power to elevate consciousness globally. If you're interested, you can listen here: