On Mom

My beloved mother passed away this past week. My family asked me to share some thoughts during her service and I wanted to share this with you. Hopefully it adds perspective to your day.  

Just as is the case for the most glorious of God’s creations, when you use words, you do NOT do them justice, or you limit their true magnificence. Such is the case for my Mom, Therese Awkar Zreik. So I will share just a few words, to try to hint at the true wonder and magnificence that this woman has been.

Some great men overcome poverty.

Others, war.

Some, violence.

And others disease.

But how many...overcome all?


How can one little lady from a remote village of 100 people, in the Northern Mountains of Lebanon, how can she go…

 FROM: hiding her seven children with her in a bathroom as the militants searched the house...

 TO: today seeing all seven of them in the United States of America, successful, each in his OR her own way, creating 13 grandchildren, and through them impacting thousands of lives. 


With Christ in her heart and the saints as her role models, Therese overcame and showed us the way. In fact, Therese Zreik’s legacy is only NOW beginning. ALL of us gathered today will continue to evolve her legacy by the way we live.  


Which of us dares to live up to her example?

...Mom welcomed the challenges

...Indeed, surrendered and let go in the midst of them...relying on the hands of God

...She experienced the intimacy of the divine in her heart and mind every single day

...She was great, yet humble

...Mom was a simple woman, not caring about material things

...Connected to nature and to simple rituals around food and coffee

...Selfless in the service of others

...She did not limit herself by her own abilities, but rather envisionedwhat is possible when she allowed herself to be the vehicle through which God works


After everything she did for us, which of us dares, or perhaps, which of us dares NOT live by this example?

Indeed, we are all called to do hard things like Mom did, and even go beyond, in our own way... Can we live by Therese’s example of doing hard things that matter?

...To forgive a parent for their imperfection.

...To forgive a sibling and see their humanity

For our role model on all these things, look no further my friends. For here, in this casket, lies our example. Be fooled NOT by this shaking little old lady, who sat there with one eye open, one eye closed.


Therese Zreik…you are a giant, an inflection point that shifted the trajectory of this family into eternity. You are a mother, a servant, a leader, a teacher...indeed you are eternal.


Go on home Mom. Go on home to your lover, Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, the rest of us, in your example, will walk each other home in your footsteps.


...and perhaps, just perhaps…we can even do some hard things ourselves, and each of us in his or her own way, will create one moreinflection point in this world, towards life and towards love.


We love you, Mom.

We welcome new investors to the fund.  If you have interest, please reach out directly.  

We are excited to announce that we closed our 4th investment, rounding out our investment platform in science based psychedelic solutions.  We are excited to back MAPS, a distinguished organization that is leading the path to FDA approval of psychedelic-assisted therapy for PTSD: https://mapsbcorp.com/

Choose Your Horizons continues to grow and make a broader impact. The data we are collecting on the positive impact this is having on people has been very encouraging. The company chose to open this round of funding to a broader audience. If you are interested in an investment, we would welcome your participation. Here is the link:https://www.startengine.com/offering/chooseyourhorizon

InspirationCharbel Zreik