In the spirit of continuing to write from the heart, I share vulnerably with you here in case this is of service to you. I also believe that embracing the topic of death more in our Western culture is beneficial for our liberation.
Read MoreWhere are you naturally on this spectrum of being and doing? Where would you like to shift to this year? What will you build into the way you do life in order to facilitate this transition? Can you build this in, starting this week?
Read MoreThis is a special time in our history, as a tremendous amount of people in a very short time frame have moved away from traditional religions into more spiritual pursuits (see Pew Research below). Alongside that move, has come a loss of community.
Read MoreThe field of positive psychology agrees with this view as does the Sivananda yoga tradition that encourages thought replacement of negative thoughts to impact our emotional state.
Read MoreEvery imperfection of the human ego can fester and grow inside each of us as we experience not being seen and loved fully.
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